Privacy Policy

Regarding the advertisements on this site:

This site uses third-party advertising services (Google AdSense) to display advertisements for products and services that may be of interest to users. Cookies are used to identify users’ computers, but do not personally identify individual users. To disable cookies or for more information about Google AdSense, please see “Advertising – Policies and Terms – Google”.

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This site uses “Google Analytics,” an access analysis tool provided by Google that uses cookies to collect traffic data. This traffic data is collected anonymously and does not identify individuals. You can refuse collection by disabling cookies in your browser settings. For more information about this policy, click here or here.

Regarding comments on this site:

IP addresses are recorded when comments are posted in order to respond to spam and disruptive behavior. This is a standard feature of the blog, and the IP address will not be used for any other purposes. Email addresses and URLs are optional. All comments are reviewed and approved by the site’s administrator, MANAKALOHA, before being posted. The following types of comments may be deleted at the discretion of the administrator:

  • Those that defame or slander specific individuals or corporations.
  • Those that contain extremely obscene content.
  • Those that request or mediate in illegal transactions or actions prohibited by law.
  • Any other comments that violate public order and morals, or that are not deemed appropriate for approval by the administrator.


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While we strive to provide accurate and safe information and content, we cannot guarantee its accuracy or safety. Information on this site may become outdated. We are not liable for any damages resulting from the content posted on this site.


Reproduction of any content, including text and images, on this blog is prohibited without permission.
